Wordpress is a blogging tool. It started in 2003 and now one of the used and popular blogging tool in the whole world. The very good thing about Wordpress is free under GPL (General Public License) and very powerful blogging tool. Since I'm a Information Technology graduate I cannot waste my time without experiencing the slick architecture of Wordpress. It is written in PHP language and uses MySQL database so a lot of PHP programmers can understand the code it has.
The back end design of Wordpress is very user-friendly and it has a lot of available free plug-ins to use. This is how convenient Wordpress is. For me the best thing about Worpress besides it's free, it has less bugs like other commercial blogging tools. But like all other blogging tool it might have bug/s so the best thing to do when you found one is to report the bug/s to Wordpress bugs squad so they can update Worpress.
Why I didn't use Worpress for this blog is because I feel like I'm not ready for it. I want to buy my internet domain name first before I use Wordpress as my blogging tool for now Blogger is my choice.