Let's talk about good ways to market your blog/website. If you market your website well that means more traffic and more unique visitors. If your a blogger or a webmaster I'm sure this is your ultimate goal. Once you've become successful at this, the next step is how to earn money.
Today most of the blogger consider blogging as a job because it gives passive income through ads, affiliation and other things. A lot of them becomes successful by taking these steps.
1. Submit your blog/website url to search engines - When submitting your url make sure that you have full control and full access of your blog/website because in order to verify your blog/website to them you have to add meta tags or upload a HTML file given by the search engine.
You can submit your url to the top 3 search engines today.
Google - http://www.google.com/addurl/
Yahoo - http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit
Bing - http://www.bing.com/docs/submit.aspx
2. Sign up to blogs social networking websites - To add more traffic this is definitely one good way, your fellow blogger can see blog anytime. The best thing about this is they can track your visitors real time. Also like search engines you need to add something in order to verify that you own the blog/website.
Some popular blogs social network websites:
Blogcatalog - http://www.blogcatalog.com
Entrecard - http://entrecard.com
3. Submit URL to directories - This will help you get a free traffic and help you build a page rank which is very important.
Open Project Directory - http://www.dmoz.org
Yahoo! Directory - http://dir.yahoo.com
Blog Top Sites - http://www.blogtopsites.com
TopBlogs - http://www.topblogs.com.ph/dir/ *made for Filipino bloggers only
4. Join social networking and bookmarking websites - Social networking and bookmarking website have numerous users, we all know how many people today had join these websites because of the benefits they get besides free to join Social networking and bookmarking websites sometimes consider as a communication tools for other people. It also has a lot of application for users to use, so why don't you take advantage of that and market your blog/website.
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com
Friendster - http://www.friendster.com
Multiply - http://multiply.com
Twitter - http://twitter.com
Digg - http://digg.com
StumbleUpon - http://www.stumbleupon.com
5. Post to Discussions, Forums and Comments - One way to build link and have a free traffic is by promoting your blog/website url to discussion, forums and comments. This is much effective when you start an interesting topic.
Warrior Forrum - http://www.warriorforum.com
6. Paid Advertisement - You can advertise your blog/website to PPC (Pay per click) advertising website. I am recommending this because of the fact that this is not free.
You can advertise in Google Adword or Adrite